Frequently asked Questions

For a long time, we also wanted to make a post to answer the most frequently asked questions! Here we go 🙂 :

Which foods contain a lot of spermidine?
How can I maintain a spermidine-rich diet?

Of course, that’s why you come to our site to inform you about spermidine-rich nutrition!

However since there are now also information and tables on spermidine-rich foods elsewhere in the Internet, here are our ideas on how we implemented this for you:

  1. We obtain our information on the content of spermidine in food exclusively from scientific publications.
  2. Since this is a young field of research, not all foods are measured!
  3. Those foods which have been measured several times (ie by different scientific institutions) show a certain variability. What does that mean? This means that the values ​​are different. HOWEVER, the variability of multiply measured foods is not too large and all food can be divided into the 3 categories: „little, moderate or much spermidine“. We try to create dishes with foods that are spermidine-rich or contain moderate amounts of spermidine.
  4. Because even using foods with moderate amounts of spermidine pays off. An example are potatoes: they have rather little spermidine in comparison to peas, HOWEVER we eat much larger quantities and much more often potatoes than e.g. Peas. That’s why foods – with moderate amounts of spermidine – that we eat a lot and often make a valuable contribution to our overall spermidine consumption.

I would like to have more spermidine but can not eat many spermidine-rich foods. What should I do? Are there any supplements?

Many readers have already mentioned to us that they are very interested in the topic and that they would like to eat spermidine rich, but this is not possible for a variety of reasons. Here are the 3 most common:

  1. Incompatibilities on certain foods or food categories are a big problem. Legumes, nuts, fruits and certain vegetables cause problems for many people with digestion or are not recommended for other ailments / illnesses. If you have illnesses, you should always clarify a diet change with your doctor!
  2. Another big hurdle is for those people who eat in cafeterias or restaurants due their job or longer cures / hospital stays, so they hardly prepare their own food, and thus do not always have the option to eat a spermidine-rich dish.
  3. The third group are those who do not want to change their life and eating habits :-), but still want to eat more spermidine.

Our answer:
Of course, we try to provide flexible solutions for a wide variety of situations by using a variety of foods and creative ideas in our recipes. If this is not enough, there are now spermidine-rich dietary supplements. We were also asked if we can recommend one here. We have researched and can recommend you the capsules of the company TLL ( (unpaid advertising). They are tested according to all scientific standards and contain the wheatgerm extract, which was also used in a study, which shows the first indications of a positive effect against dementia. (Link to the study)

I belong to the generation 50plus, does it make sense to start now to pay attention that I take a lot of spermidine to me?

We think so! There are 2 published scientific studies supporting this assumption:

  1. There is a study in mice, which among other things tries to answer this question. It’s not just one group that has been fed spermidine through their diet all their lives (which has had a positive effect on the lifespan and, above all, the health of the animals). But also they examined another group in which spermidine supplementation was started later in life (equivalent to approximately 60+ in human years). Health and life expectancy also improved in this group. In this case, a positive effect on the cardiovascular system was found in particular. (Link to the study)
  2. In the first study with people who were given a spermidine-rich dietary supplement *, subjects older than 60 years were studied over a 3-month period. Here, the first indications of a positive effect of this spermidine-rich dietary supplement on the memory conduction could be shown. (Link to the study)

Spermidine-rich dietary supplement from TLL (

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